Chester SW Apps

Stock and Inventory
Chester SW
Our application provides simple way tomanageand control your stock using your mobile device.Maintain products catalog (Name, Barcode, Photo) includingquantityin stock.Create documents:- Incoming - to register goods arrival to stock (check in);- Outgoing - to register goods leaving stock (check out);- Inventory - to perform inventory-taking process andadjustquantities in catalog to match actual physical count.You can add items to document in a variety of ways:- Select item from goods catalog (you can search it by name);- Scan item's barcode with your camera;- Import from Excel spreadsheet (use Settings to define columnsforimport);Other features:- export documents to Excel spreadsheet (for example, youcanimplement exchange with your back-office software thisway);- send documents to E-mail, Google Drive, Dropbox;- backup and restore your database;- setup convenient document colors;- search, sort and filter lists of goods and documents;Our support is ready to answer any of your questions. Ifyouexperience any problems using our application, please contactus.We would also appreciate any suggestions and comments regardingoursoftware. Use “Question or suggestion” menu item in applicationtosend us a message or simply send is still under active development. If you arenotsatisfied, please do not rate application with one starwithoutcontacting us. We are trying to improve and fix all bugs andissuesas soon as possible. Just send us a message.
Stock and Inventory Simple 2.1.12r1
Chester SW
If you need to keep track of your stock of any kind of items - thisapplication can help you to do it. It can be used as a stockmanagement tool or inventory tracker at home or in a warehouse. Asmall shop can use it for sales and purchases management. Even bigcompanies use it mostly as a data collection terminal to exchangewith back-office through Excel files import and export. Keyfeatures: - Easy data input (either manually or importing fromExcel files); - Add pictures to visualize items, take photos or addimages; - Organize your products in folders (groups) with unlimitedhierarchy; - Scan barcodes to speed up your work (either withsmartphone's camera or external scanner); - Register Sales andPurchases; - Track Customers and Suppliers; - Track MultipleStores; - Set Minimum Stock Level and receive notifications whenquantity drops below the minimum, reorder in time; - Print to PDFwith our sample templates or create your own to print catalogs,price-lists, sales receipts, invoices, etc. - Run Reports andcalculate profits, margin, and markup; - Track daily sales, salesby items or customers; - Export and Import to/from Excel files; -Use Google Drive for data exchange and backups; We make inventorymanagement simple and we are always ready to help. Use “Question orSuggestion” menu item in the application to send us a message orsimply send e-mail to
Advanced Interval Timer
Chester SW
You can create multiple timers - for work and leisure, yourdailyschedule, meditation and gym exercises, water drink remindersandfitness, and anything you can imagine. Each timer can bestartedmanually or you can set an exact date for starting timer ordays ofweek and time. You can also set the similar conditions for atimerto stop. Each timer is a sequence of events. Each event firesafterthe specified interval of time. An event has an action. It canbe:playing sound, vibrate or flashlight (according to thespecifiedpattern), or silent event. During an event, you can setdisplayinga message on the screen. The message contains event'sname anddescription. This can be used as hints for your speechorpresentation. You can set algorithm for changing eachevent'sinterval during timer's playback. You canincrease/decreaseinterval or change it to another value after acertain number ofcycles of timer's executions. You can also performthe same actionafter the certain date/time. You can use thesetimers for simpleroutine tasks such as morning alarms, remindersabout waterdrinking, giving eyes a rest, walking and any 'don'tforget'. But,most important, these timers can implement morecomplicated taskswith sophisticated patterns: incremental fitnesstraining, jogging,meditation, time management. You can, forexample, create keynotesfor lectures, speeches or presentationswith hints displayed on thescreen to keep to your schedule.Anything is possible limited onlyby your imagination. Feel free toexperiment and send us your ideasand comments The general structure ofthe timers is asfollows: Within each timer you create you can addmultiple events,each with its own interval period leading up to aspecified action.For example, one event could have a 15 secondinterval after which asound can play. If a timer has multipleevents, the app willcomplete each event in sequential order. So Ifa timer had 3 events:15 seconds then play sound, 30 seconds thenvibrate, 20 seconds thenplay a different sound; the app would takea total of 65 seconds tocomplete one cycle of the timer. Thesettings should be mostlyself-explanatory, so exploring themshould give you a good sense ofwhat you are able to customize.There is a special case: if you setthe interval of an event to allzeros (zero days, hours, minutes,and seconds) then the timer willskip the action selected for thatevent. This can be useful ifyou'd like to activate or deactivate anevent after a certaincondition has been met. This can be done inthe 'adjustment' tab ofany event. So for example, you could set anevent's interval periodto all zeros, and then make an adjustmentafter a certain number ofcycles to change the interval to somethinglonger; or you could dothe reverse by changing a longer interval toall zeros in order toturn that event off.
Stock and Inventory Online 1.0.12r4
Chester SW
Multi-user app for stock management and tracking salesandpurchases. Especially useful for small retailers or warehousesbutalso suitable for wholesale business. You can controlmultiplestores and multiple employees in a single application. Ouruniquetechnology allows working online or offline and syncing datawhen aconnection becomes available. Key features and capabilities:-Register Sales, Purchases and Transfers between stores; -Defineaccess rights for your Users; - Import/Export data throughExcelfiles; - Track general Expenses: rent, salary, and others;-Minimum Stock Level alerts and Reorder report; - Multipleimagesper item; - Use Barcodes - scan with your Camera orexternalscanner; - Print to PDF: invoices, sales receipts, pricelists,catalogs, etc. There are more features to make yourstockmanagement convenient and easy. Use the “Question orSuggestion”menu item in the application to send us a message orsimply sendan e-mail to if you needany help.